ride to live live to ride wholesale.jewelry What is Filecoin pledge? Why do you need pledge?

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2 thoughts on “ride to live live to ride wholesale.jewelry What is Filecoin pledge? Why do you need pledge?”

  1. how much does paparazzi jewelry cost wholesale from china Praising is an important cornerstone in the design of Filecoin's reward and punishment mechanism, because Filecoin brings benefits to honest miners through block rewards and service charges. At the same time, it also inspires miners to provide high -quality services by pledge and penalties.
    I, Filecoin pledge includes the following two aspects:
    1. Promise pledge: Just targeting miners, it is a promise of miners when entering the Internet.
    2. Storage transaction pledge: Miners and storage users need to pay for the protection of a transaction.
    . The promise pledge is used to ensure the execution of the commitment. What is this promise?
    1. Promise pledge is only for storage miners: other network participants do not need to promise pledge.
    2. Promise pledges need to pay for the storage miners. The algorithm is consistent. The larger the storage volume, the more you need to pay.
    3. Promise pledge is a guarantee of consensus: when a miner violates consensus (such as long -term offline, fake, gravity attacks), the storage pledge may be confiscated all or partially.
    4. Promise pledge is also the guarantee of storage space and quality: When you continue to provide more storage space for the network, you will be required to match the pledge with space. At that time, you will lose pledge.
    5. Promise pledge is also the guarantee of the miner's continuous service: as a miner, if there are still unprepared user data stored on your mining machine, you should not be offline. If you do not provide services, the promise will be confiscated.
    The expanded information;
    . What are the three pledge of Filecoin respectively;
    1. Initial pledge
    Filecoin miners must invest in resources to participate in economic development. The agreement can use the mining of the rights and interests of the Internet to ensure the benefit of rational behavior of the network, the creation of the value of the value, and punish malicious behaviors.
    The initial pledge consists of two parts: storage pledge and consensus pledge. The storage pledge is the service quality of the user to protect the network and provide a launch guarantee for the sector when punishment. The storage pledge must be small enough to allow miners to join the network, and at the same time, it is enough to be large enough to respond to early failures, fines and expenses. Using block rewards and unlocked rewards as additional mortgages can reduce the consistency of the initial storage pledge without destroying network incentives.
    2. Block reward pledge
    The user needs reliable storage. In some cases, miners may agree to a certain storage transaction, and then give up due to increased cost or other market factors. If miners can freely abandon the storage files at low cost and cause severe data loss and service quality, storage users will abandon Filecoin.
    3. Storage provider transaction pledge
    The pledge of the third form of the third form of transaction for the storage provider. The agreement requires a minimum pledge to provide the minimum storage guarantee. If the transaction order is terminated in advance, this part of the pledge will be punished. However, miners can provide higher transaction pledge, which means providing potential users with higher levels and more reliable services. Under the premise of higher pledge, users may connect the reliability of extra transactions that exceed the lowest value and data storage. After the transaction orders in the sector are successfully completed, they will be returned to the storage provider.

  2. 14k gold body jewelry wholesale Praising is an important cornerstone of the Filecoin prize and penalty mechanism. When the miners are stored, a certain number of Filecoin must be locked as pledge. Praising is similar to an insurance system that can improve the quality of Filecoin network service, and it can also make up for the losses caused by users due to accidents. Because Fileocin's data is stored by miners, the departure of any miner will cause losses to user data, and the consensus mechanism of FileCoin needs to cooperate in order to stimulate the best results. The pledge Filecoin of the Wanwei Cloud IPFS project can better build the ecological environment of the Filecoin network, avoid the emergence of junk files and invalid files, and better ensure that our documents can be transmitted and preserved unexpectedly. The emergence of pledged coins is also to ensure that the price of Filecoin is more stable. Without the appearance of Filecoin, the number of Filecoin circulating in the market will increase sharply, causing the price to fluctuate violently and destroy the entire ecological environment.

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