wholesale sterling silver sheets for jewelry making Hong Kong HSBC Hang Seng account is limited, frozen, sold, what should I do?

wholesale sterling silver sheets for jewelry making Hong Kong HSBC Hang Seng account is limited, frozen, sold, what should I do?

5 thoughts on “wholesale sterling silver sheets for jewelry making Hong Kong HSBC Hang Seng account is limited, frozen, sold, what should I do?”

  1. project halo jewelry wholesale Hong Kong's banks are restricted, frozen, and sold, they need to open a new account as soon as possible to avoid affecting the receipt and doing business. Summarize the following schemes, I hope to help everyone.

    1. Traditional banks (Hong Kong Bank of China, East Asia, Daxin)
    advantages: real bank account, can be collected, can be paid.
    Disadvantages: Acting account opening fees range from 8000 ~ 10,000, the account opening cycle is 2 to 4 weeks, and foreign exchange cannot be settled. Hong Kong is prone to households.

    advantages: free account opening, no account management fee, free receipt, free global high -risk countries can be collected, and personal models can be collected.
    Hong Kong companies/mainland companies/individual households can register online, opening an account from 1 to 3 working days. Mainland companies/individual households can settle foreign exchange.
    Disadvantages: virtual account. Can only be accepted and cannot be paid. In account, the review materials of the settlement of foreign exchange are complicated, and the review cycle is long. Hong Kong companies cannot settle foreign exchange.

    3. Passing PanPay
    advantages: real bank account.
    If account opening: Ibocus44 US Chicago International Bank.
    Swift: PAEOLT21 Passing European Bank.
    The receipts worldwide, global payment, and remittances.
    This company/mainland company/individual households can register online and open an account for 3 working days.
    Hong Kong companies/mainland companies/individual households can settle foreign exchange.
    Disadvantages: 10 euros of account opening fees, account management fee 5 euros/household. Individual regions of Africa do not support accounts.
    Caping preferential foreign exchange settlement rate registration channel self -proofing Baidu pan -giving VIP

  2. jewelry wholesale stores The closure of traditional bank accounts is indeed the mainstream of the future, because the traditional offshore account has no way to verify the authenticity of trade, and the labor cost of banks cannot be afforded. In addition, for banks, SMEs can bring them very small profits, which is the fundamental reason why they choose to close.
    It now has a lot of payment tools. For example, PayPal can receive some small amounts, but it cannot be settled. This is also the effect of breaking up with Lianlian.
    The domestic account must have a certain qualification and must declare tax refund. Products with low tax refund rates may not be applicable.
    The recently popular XTRANSFER can open an account for free, and the RMB can be settled. The landlord can understand it.
    Is help!

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