5 thoughts on “Why is there a free gift for Weishang? Is it credible?”

  1. Generally, WeChat has true and false. For example, the credibility WeChat will promote or give a small gift during an event or give a small gift. There is also a kind of free delivery on the surface, but in fact, the payment of goods requires you to pay the postage and the product dares not guarantee the authenticity, so this marketing model on the Internet is a hi, don't take it seriously.

  2. Some Weishang will have some promotional methods to promote their products, such as free trial outfit and so on.
    It cannot be generalized. The main purpose is to get your attention. Some micro -quotients are still very good.
    But if you buy it, you need to be cautious, after all, the product of personal micro -business products cannot be guaranteed.
    If the person you know, things are not special or valuable, and there is no problem trying.

  3. On October 26, 2016, there was a WeChat (WeChat AAM715 and a WeChat ZXCVBNM_427773617 a male and female propaganda to send a balanced car for free, as long as they forwarded a picture they gave to the circle of friends and sent 100 groups 100 After people above, delivery. I did it according to their request. As a result, the goods were later a chain, and even 10 yuan was worthless. I also made me pay 39 yuan for the shipping cost. After receiving the chain, the car was balanced after two days. He fucking this has been half a month, and he didn't even see the shadow of a balanced car. If he asked him, he would not reply. It was really a turtle king!

  4. There will be two reasons for Weishang free gifts:
    1 is for the customer's experience. When consumers are surprised by accident, customer satisfaction will increase, so that consumers will leave consumers leave consumers with A good impression, of course, is also a promotional method for Weishang. There will be some consumers to buy for some kind of gifts.
    is to drain. With free gifts, it will attract some new users to buy and achieve the effect of drainage.

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